The Importance

Writing about the importance of taking photos is something that should come so easy to me, but I am finding myself all fluttered trying to find the right words to scream how important they really, truly are. My sweet grandma passed away about two weeks ago, and I was assigned to filter though old boxes and albums to find the perfect pictures to match the perfect person she is. The day I found all of those images was one of my favorite days. I was able to see her at age 20, learn her love for dancing, see her favorite things to wear, stare at her wedding dress, know that she was a lover of lipstick and that my grandpa had one heck of a hat collection.

Without these photos, would I have known that? If I asked, maybe. But pictures have a way of telling a story. They tell us about people, about love. Memories ooze out of pictures and have a way of putting us into moments. I may not be able to see her gap toothed smile in real life, but I can certainly see it hanging on my wall to remember.

Now, this isn’t a sales pitch by any means of the imagination. This is a challenge to you to go out and take pictures. Slap on your favorite outfit and laugh right into the camera (the first time may be forced, but you will laugh at how ridiculous you feel fake laughing, trust me). Pose with a significant other, a friend, your pup, yourself. Be in moments, and capture them too. You have a story to tell and there are people who want to see your smile.

Take a picture and post it on Molly Jo Collection’s Facebook page. If we get enough – I will make a little blog post featuring all of your moments. You’ll be happy you did, and you’ll be happy to have that photo for a lifetime. And to my photographer friends, hire somebody to capture you! Hang out on the other side of the camera every now and again (it’s scary, I know), and just be you.


2014-01-29_0021 2014-01-29_00222014-01-29_0020Today is Grandma’s birthday, and I love that you can see how beautiful she is. Take photos. Print photos. Hang them on your wall and let the world see your story!

The challenge begins… now!



  1. PAT HACKER says:

    Molly…you are one talented young lady…these are absolutely beautiful!!!!
    I know you feel lucky to have had her as a grandma, but she was blessed to have you, too.
    Thanks for reminding us how important it is to celebrate each other!!!!

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