5 Links I Love

I find myself gravitating to certain blogs and links that inspire me each day! Some inspire me to want to make some pretty amazing DIY projects, while others inspire me to just be a good person. Here are a few of my favorites as of late!
















Photo: The Giving Keys

DESIGN LOVE FEST: It is exactly what it sounds like, a love fest with design. Bri Emery shares everything from fashion to recipes to crafts to fun desktop wallpapers. I love my daily dose of this fun blog!

APARTMENT THERAPY: This is my happy place. Decorating tips for your apartment, home, garden, ect.! Before and Afters from real people from all over the world, ideas for people on a budget, organization, OY! The tips and tricks go on forever and I just can’t get enough. HGTV lovers, this one is for you!

A PAIR + A SPARE: Want to know how to make a skateboard into a shelf? Or how to pack for your upcoming trip to New Zealand? Or my favorite, how to become a morning person? Yeah, this place has everything. If you click this link, make sure you set aside a couple hours to browse! You will leave feeling like you want to travel the world and embroider your own jacket.

HUMANS OF NEW YORK: This seriously is my daily newspaper. Each morning when I’m laying in bed, I pick up my phone, and scroll through Humans of New York. Real people, humbling stories, raw emotion and it really restores my faith in humanity.

THE GIVING KEYS: This is a little shop that is inspiring for so many reasons. A site and message that encourages you to pay it forward. They take keys from all over, discarded keys, flawed keys, and engrave a simple message on them, like “hope” or “courage” and make them into necklaces or bracelets. Once the message has served you, and you see someone who could use that message, you pass your key on. How cool is that?

What are some of YOUR favorites? I’d love to hear!




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