These Feet: Explored Beaver Island // Part I

“Most of the time, beauty lies in the simplest of things.”

Our little 6 person plane landed and we knew we were in for one heck of a week in Beaver Island, Michigan. This trip is something that we look forward to every year over the 4th. We pack too much, we eat too much, we play cribbage too much, we explore too much, we soak up the sunshine too much, and we laugh too much.

This photo series is only 3 days of the fun, believe it or not! I took way too many photos, surprise surprise, and don’t want to overwhelm you (and make you too jealous) with a bajillion pretty pics. So, this will do for now. We landed in the Island on Sunday, and outdid ourselves all the way until the following Saturday. We went through the week without any set-in-stone plans or schedules, which I think is the way all vacations should be. We’d wake up to the sound of the waves, eat some pancakes and the day was ours.

With zero obligations, we simply enjoyed. We enjoyed each others company, conversations with the locals, bike rides to the lighthouse, the adorable shops, the soft sand, the crystal clear water, the sun and breeze. Every day was a new day with nothing in store, which made for one heck of an awesome week.

(Just a little FYI: For those of you who don’t know my dad, expect to chuckle at his hilariousness.)

You may be wondering if the sunset photos are edited, and the answer is nope! It was literally that pretty, every, single, day.

Stay tuned for days 4, 5 and 6!





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