Steven+Alyssa – Downtown Appleton

Just the thought of this wedding day brings a smile to my face and tear to my eye. It was so unbelievably heartfelt and real. The color scheme was beautiful as pops of bright blue’s and greens appeared everywhere. Every detail was thought of, even the bridesmaids pre-wedding outfits. It was adorable. Alyssa was as calm as could be while she got her hair and make-up done, chatted with visitors who were checking in, and when she eventually slipped into her gorgeous dress. Not a worry, not a nerve, just pure happiness.

Emotions were real as she took her first steps down the aisle towards Steven. Alyssa held her dad’s arm, hugged her mom, and locked eyes with her soon-to-be Husband. They said their vows, exchanged rings and flirted the rest of the day. After the traditional speeches were over after dinner, the two walked to the mic and spoke Thank You’s to their guests for anything and everything. Preceding the dinner was some fun for the little people (which was so entertaining and hilarious to watch) and then the first and special dances followed that made tears run down our cheeks. Let me just say, I could have used a squeegee for my camera.

Here it is, folks! A post capturing Steven+Alyssa’s perfect day.

The best day!





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