Nick & Dena

Nick & Dena

I’m not emotional over this one… ๐Ÿ˜‰ A little side note before I get into Nick and Dena! There are 5 of us girl cousins who are super close in age and, well, we’re all super close ๐Ÿ™‚ Our moms (who are sisters) did everything together – from holidays to trips up north to vacations. We were always together growing up and we, with our moms, had this sort of “girl tribe” that will forever be a huge part of our memory bank. We’re beyond thankful for this bond and for our mommas! Dena is 1 of our 5!

NOW, onto these two! When Dena first brought nick to family functions we all thought “holy wow, this works”. The “holy wow” part is because Nick and Dena are complete opposites in so many ways that it’s actually funny. Together though, they are the most compatibleย people. Their weaknesses are the other persons strengths. They encourage each others passions and talents from home and while traveling to cross things off their bucket lists. Dena is the first person Nick calls to tell about his hunting trip successes and Nick is the first person Dena would call if she had a hard day or a best day. They are one another’s cheerleader and the best teammate at once.

We took their engagement photos on that weird day in late October where we had a big snowfall and the sun was shining at the same time. I could get all metaphorical and say that opposites came together to make a beautiful and blissful day and connect the weather to Nick and Dena, but I won’t ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰

Meet: Nick & Dena!!!:




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