These Feet: Danced in New York // Part III

“No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.”

We strolled the streets, spent two hours finding a wine bar, played Speed, explored the botanical gardens, pretended to be classy at a fancy dinner joint, stumbled upon a gallery filled with awesome photographs, drank hot chocolate, wore wellies in the rain, attempted a Broadway show,  and were star struck by Christopher McDonald and Tom Hanks.

These pictures kind of break my heart to look at. It is the last post, and the realization that the trip and spring break has come to an end. On the plane ride home, when all of our New York craziness ended, is when I actually had the chance to soak it all in. Everyday was so jam packed with walking, subways, coffee shops, bars,  buildings, people, tourist sites, celebrity hunting and food, that there was really no time left to just think about all of the newness I was actually exposed to. It is quite incredible.

So, the quote above holds more truth now than ever before. Traveling really puts your own life into perspective with the rest of the world.

If your feet could travel anywhere, where would YOU go?






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