These Feet: Danced in New York // Part I

“It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.”

Traveling to New York was something on that “do before I die” list, and it just so happens that my very best friend has just moved out there to chase her dreams of becoming an actress. Who knew we’d go from big wheel races to pacing the uneven sidewalks of Brooklyn? Still friends and now grown up, we found ourselves eating fruit snacks, drinking apple juice (in the Big Apple, har har), eating PB &J’s, wearing friendship bracelets, dancing with Lady Liberty and laughing until we snorted. How refreshing is it that these forever friendships exist? Let me tell you, I am grateful for them each and every day.

I plan to break up these posts into a few parts not only to allow myself to enjoy the photos a little longer, but because I honestly do not think I put the camera down the entire trip leaving me with a plethora of pics to sift through. Here we have a little look into Britt’s place, her goals on sticky notes, and her brand new cat, Pretzel.

The cute restaurants were endless, the people watching was out of this world, street music rang in the subway and on the streets, and there was a Starbucks on every corner. Here we go, Part I!

Wear a smile and call your best friend today!





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