Niki & Henry

Niki & Henry

This family <3 There are some people and families and that always stick out to me and The Eickholt’s are one of them. Niki is due with baby number two super soon so we took few snaps with her littlest love (for the time being) before their new arrival! Lucky for me, I was able to see Tim and Niki when they got engaged and then married, last year when Henry was just a little guy, and this day! Henry wasn’t all about hanging on the blanket, sitting and smiling this time around. He wanted to explore, pick sticks and his favorite flowers (the most beautiful ones of them all ;)) to give to his momma, would run back for a quick snuggle or to fly in the air, and would be off again to be cute and curious.

One of my favorite parts of all was when Henry took a seat in the tall grass on his own to examine something sweet that he found. Knowing it would be SUCH a good photo where he landed, Tim and Niki stood behind me and sang him his favorite songs while we all hoped for a smile. Henry just could not resist giggling at his parents, this little family is such a good team! “Momma and me” session, a success!! <3


