If you have your people around you, if you have a space where you're comfortable and an outfit that you can hug and dance and embrace it all in, you have everything you need to have that party, to take those photos and to document your memories. They are your memories & they should feel like you, not like the staged stuff we see sometimes, those belong to other people. We're here for the real, the you is the most important piece for peace and fulfillment. 

Memory making & experiences above all else

Welcome to the blog

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“With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair” How lucky am I to know such a beautiful girl who is willing to be my little model? And to add to the luck, she lives right across the street. Yup, I’ve known Amanda since she was the tiniest little thing and my oh my, […]


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“Not all who wander are lost” In the sea of quotes out there on the Internet, this one currently stands as my favorite and serves as a good starting point for this little lifestyle series of mine that begins today. Being the broke college kid that I am, I find myself stretching every dollar I […]

These Feet // Intro