Cameron & Melanie

Cameron & Melanie: Personalized day with a ceremony under the pines, Bubolz Nature Preserve, Appleton, WI

I can’t believe this day has come and gone! It feels both so long ago and just like yesterday that we were taking their engagement photos in a snowstorm. Fast forward, and there we were, umbrellas packed and ready for what looked to be a rainy wedding day (knowing they could handle and would embrace it, of course!) All conditions held off and they were able to have their sweet ceremony under the pines at Bubolz Nature Preserve. I loved all of the special and personal touches they included to make this day their own! First and foremost, you’ll see some Harry Potter elements throughout! Big fans, over here!! The floral patterned ties that the fellas wore, a play on a unity candle with a bird feeder, and two bouquets made from Melanie’s grandma’s wedding dress all helped to tailor this to their taste and make it oh so personal.

I’m all about sharing stand out moments from my perspective and while there were SO many amazing family moments, speeches, photo snaps, etc. nothing made me smile more than when Cameron took the microphone, said “prestige worldwide… wide, wide, wide…” to test the mic. People were chatting and not a lot of people heard this, but Melanie did! She threw her head back and was cracking up on the other side of the room. The smallest moments like that are the biggest preview to life after the big day! <3

Meet: Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer!!:




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